Welkom/ Welcome
Hoërskool Frans du Toit
High School
Frans du Toit High school, also known as Hoërskool Frans du Toit, is a public co-ed high school in Phalaborwa, Limpopo.
Frans du Toit High School was founded in January 1966. The school was named after Dr. F.J. (Frans) du Toit. His life outlook is reflected in our motto:
Viribus Excelsior (Forcefully Higher/ Kragtige hoër
What is our mission?/ Wat is ons missie?
To provide opportunities for all learners to realise their full potential in a caring and disciplined environment, equipping them to meet the changing demands of modern society.
Om aan alle leerders geleenthede te bied om hul volle potensiaal in 'n sorgsame en gedisiplineerde omgewing te verwenslik en hulle toe te rus om aan die veranderende eise van die moderne samelewing te voldoen.
What is our vision?/ Wat is ons visie?
Quality education towards excellence/ Kwaliteit onderrig vir uitnemendheid

Core Values of Frans du Toit/ Kernwaardes van Frans du Toit
Verlede jaar het elke graad 'n kernwaarde en 'n kleur gekies. Kernwaardes is 'n stel beginsels of ideale wat struktuur en doel gee deur te help bepaal wat vir jou betekenisvol en belangrik is.
Last year each grade chose a core value and a colour. Core values are a set of principles or ideals which give structure and purpose by helping you determine what is meaningful and important to you.
What do we offer?
Wide range of subjects and Career-orientated subjects
Highly qualified educators with a lot of experience
Interesting activities outside the classroom
Opportunities in sport and culture
Development and practise of leadership
Parent input
Well-rounded facilities
Friendly environment
Wat bied ons aan?
Beroepsgerigte vakke en wye vakkeuses
Goed-gekwalifiseerde personeel met baie ervaring
Interessante aktiwiteite buite die klaskamer
Geleenthede op sport- en kultuurgebied
Leierskapontwikkeling en –beoefening
Afgeronde fasiliteite
Vriendelike omgewing